Monday, December 17, 2007

//Dil Se Desi// Digest Number 8377

~~~~~~Dil Se Desi Group ~~~~~~

Messages In This Digest (25 Messages)




Posted by: "glassnost"   mush2talk

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:25 am (PST)




Posted by: "glassnost"   mush2talk

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:27 am (PST)



Ghar Kase Aasave...( Cute One )

Posted by: "Dhiraj"   mohite.dhiraj

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:28 am (PST)

Forgot the famous last words? Access your message archive online. Click here.

Love Your Nation

Posted by: "harry_putter60"   harry_putter60

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:32 am (PST)

No matter where you reside

No matter what you eat, learn or write.

The only thing matters is the love of yours for your mother land.

The respect of yours for your motherland.




A Good strory , Read it once

Posted by: "Butterfly"   bhadresh_ocp

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:40 am (PST)

*Ant & Grasshopper*

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The Grasshopper thinks the Ant is a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.

Come winter, the Ant is warm and well fed. The Grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold. *

Modern Version*

The Ant works hard in the withering heat all summer building its house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The Grasshopper thinks the Ant ' s a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering Grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the Ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.

*NDTV, BBC, CNN * show up to provide pictures of the shivering Grasshopper next to a video of the Ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.

The World stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be that this poor Grasshopper allowed suffering so? *

Arundhati Roy ** *stages a demonstration in front of the Ant ' s house . *

Medha Patkar** *goes on a fast along with other Grasshoppers demanding that Grasshoppers be relocated to warmer climates during winter.*

Amnesty International and Koffi Annan *criticizes the Indian Government for not upholding the fundamental rights of the Grasshopper.

The *Internet* is flooded with online petitions seeking support to the Grasshopper (many promising Heaven and Everlasting Peace for prompt support as against the wrath of God for non-compliance) . *

Opposition MPs *stage a walkout. Left parties call for "Bharat Bandh" in West Bengal and Kerala demanding a Judicial Enquiry.

CPM in Kerala immediately passes a law preventing Ants from working hard in the heat so as to bring about equality of poverty among Ants and Grasshoppers. *

Lalu Prasad *allocates one free coach to Grasshoppers on all Indian Railway Trains, aptly named as the ' Grasshopper Rath ' .

Finally, the Judicial Committee drafts the ' *Prevention of Terrorism Against Grasshoppers Act ' *[POTAGA], with effect from the beginning of the winter.*

Arjun Singh *makes '*Special Reservation *' for Grasshoppers in Educational Institutions & in Government Services.

The Ant; fined for failing to comply with POTAGA and having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes; its home is confiscated by the Government and handed over to the Grasshopper in a ceremony covered by NDTV.

Arundhati Roy calls it ' *A Triumph of Justice* ' .

Lalu calls it '*Socialistic Justice *' .

CPM calls it the ' *Revolutionary Resurgence of the Downtrodden *'

Koffi Annan invites the Grasshopper to address the *UN General Assembly*. *

Many years later*

The Ant has since migrated to the US and set up a multi-billion dollar company in *Silicon Valley* .

100s of Grasshoppers still die of starvation despite reservation somewhere in India ...

because of loosing lot of hard working Ants and feeding the Grasshoppers, *India is still a developing country!!!*






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Posted by: "anjali bagri"   anjali4819

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:55 am (PST)




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AutoCAD Tips & Techniques E-Book, full, free, pdf

Posted by: "yesilpop"   yesilpop

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:56 am (PST)

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Posted by: "~* ~ Shashi Shetty ~*~"   zzshashizz

Sun Dec 16, 2007 10:58 am (PST)

More Fun Click Bellow

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Suprabhat with Geeta Saar (Ch.6 Shlk-1)

Posted by: "Aseem Kaistha"   vkaisthaa2002

Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:57 pm (PST)

With Geeta Saar

Chapter 6 Shloka 1

Shloka in Sanskrit:

Shloka in Hindi

Shloka in English

One who is unattached
to the fruits of his work

and who works as he is
obligated is in the renounced order of life,

and he is the true

not he who lights no
fire and performs no work.

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Horoscope for the Day

Posted by: "Aseem Kaistha"   vkaisthaa2002

Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:57 pm (PST)

March 21-April 19
You need to reach out to friends or family and help them
with whichever needs seem most vital to them. You ought to be able to find new
ways to circulate your energy through your social circle.
April 20-May 20
Even if your ideas seem pretty out-there, now is still a
great time to try them out. One in particular ought to be a big winner for you,
but you'll never know if you don't try to bring it to life.
May 21-June 21
You've got a few creative ideas that are making you
smile inside -- so get busy with them and see if you can interest a few people
in joining in! You never know who will want to take part, so don't exclude
June 22-July 22
Your altruistic side is dominating your mind right now
and you find that it's much easier to help out even the least important people
in your life. Put that energy to good use and sweep through the
July 23-August 22
Art is incredibly appealing to you right now, but you
may find that you're even happier producing it than viewing it. Try to make sure
that you expose yourself to culture in some big way early on.
August 23-September 22
You're not entirely crazy about the changes that are
happening right now, but you know deep down that change is an important part of
life -- so you are that much more willing to accept it today.

September 23-October 22
You should be able to help with your friends' many odd
problems today -- most of them will only require a bit of rearrangement or
consultation and you've got plenty of time for all of that.
October 23 - November 21
Pay careful attention to your dreams tonight -- even if
they don't make a lick of sense! There's some interesting informati0on in there
that should come in quite handy in the very near future.
November 22-December 21
See if you can look at life a little differently today
-- there are a few lessons staring you in the face that you've somehow missed
out on. There's always room for growth, even if you think you're perfectly
December 22-January 19
Even if you feel as if you've made a huge gaffe of some
kind, people still leave feeling impressed with your overall performance. It's
the big picture that matters today, not the fine details.
January 20-February 18
You're not going to be able to finish much of anything
today -- though you'll still get plenty done! It's too easy to get sidetracked
or distracted by other people or projects in the middle of other
February 19-March 20
You're right in the middle of a transformative
experience -- one that you might not even have realized was upon you! It should
be almost all good for you, so dive into it with gusto and see what

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Se Desi Group

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Quote of the day

Posted by: "Anil"   vadekandy

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:04 pm (PST)

[image: Quote of the day.jpg]

"O Shirdi Sai Nath, Give me the guidance to know when to hold on and when to
let go and the Grace to make right decision with dignity"

"The Future Belongs To Those Who Believe In The Beauty Of Their Dreams"
Om Sai Ram

Good Morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: "Sunoj¤Mohan™"   sunojsm_02

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:05 pm (PST)

Good Morning
Itz ur life So. . . . . .

Have a lovely day...

It is more blessed to give than to receive!!!!

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Re: Global Happenings Map (Very Interesting)

Posted by: "Vijay"   uonlywanted

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:05 pm (PST)

Cool link.

Appreciate & Thanks for sharing this information.


----- Original Message ----
From: Arvind Patel <>
Cc: khadija Surka <>; meenu goel <>; ragini rag <>; Graham <>;
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2007 2:44:42 AM
Subject: //Dil Se Desi// Global Happenings Map (Very Interesting)

this time link will be working.

Global Happenings Map (Very Interesting)

Click on the website link below, a world map comes up showing what strange and dangerous things are happening right now in every country in the entire world and is updated every few minutes.

You can move the map around, zero in on any one area
and actually up-load the story of what is going on. There's a scroller down on the left that tells you what is going on.

There is quite a bit happening in our world every minute.

"Map" updates every 300 seconds...24/7.

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Re: Information about Mukesh Ambani

Posted by: "Raghunath"   electronicraghu

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:06 pm (PST)

Dear Friends,

Sorry friends...I may be a bit harsh with my comments...but I really does not mean it...I am trying to make an analogy of truth...

It is really true, we does not any rights of questioning any Indian citizen about his private property.
It is also true India has reached upto the stage, even he is kind enough to spend all 4,000 crores on
poor people, I don't think neither 10% of the poor people is served nor 10% of poverty will be eradicated.

Poverty is a burning issue, which cannot be solved by one man or one family or one community or one Government.
It is the responsiblity of each and every citizen to think and act accordingly.

Had you guys ever thought...
1. How many of us are having the habbit of sharing things (food, technology, knowledge...etc), who are really needed...?
2. How many of us are kind enough of helping our neighbour, when they are badly needed some financial and moral support...?
3 How many of us are really worried of Poverty or poor people...?
The list goes... goes... keep of goes...etc...

Why would Mukesh Ambani, wories for which all other (100 -1) crore people(except some exceptions) ant not really bothered about...?
Why would Mukesh Ambani, wories about any issue which does not have an end...?

Had we ever thought, instead of posting these type of useless comments...
1. If we keep, one day of our salary in a month, to improve a poor family, who is really needed.... or
2. If we have our food only when we are really hungry or really needed... or
3. If we spend our money on poverty, Instead of cigaratte or drinks...

Helping poor people means, not to make a line of poor people and give 100.Rs each.


Teach a poor guy to earn his food, he will take care of his life

It is responsiblity of each responsible citizen on think about it...

Try starving for one full day (24 hrs)... you will really get the feel, how difficult it is... It is daily routine for
Lacs's of our brothers adn sisters in India. and crores in the whole world.

Atlast, it is really hard fact that Mukesh Ambani being a responsible citizen should act accordingly and fight
against poverty, instead of unnecessary expenses, just to show off his assets.

Best regards,

----- Original Message ----
From: Dimple bhimajiyani <>
To: piyush poal <>
Cc: varghesemanimala <>;
Sent: Saturday, December 15, 2007 4:21:03 PM
Subject: Re: Re: //Dil Se Desi// Information about Mukesh Ambani

Dear MR

We dont have any right u make a question on his construction as its his own money & its own life.... we cant raise a question as he is public figure.If u was in his place u must be doing the same. we cant force or suggest other people to how to utilise his money..... weather its his own personal needs or social service


On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 piyush poal wrote :
>Its already hv constructed
>--- varghesemanimala <varghesemanimala@>
> > Dear friends,
> > Recently I had received a message that Mr. Mukesh
> > Ambani is going to
> > construct a house that costs Rs. 4,000/- crores. It
> > is a 30 floor
> > house in the height of actually 67 floors! This is
> > for just 6 people
> > to live in! There will be 400 people to look after.
> > It is with
> > helipad, etc. Well for me this appears to be a
> > crime and it is
> > another form of terrorism - terrorism of money. We
> > must remember that
> > India has more than 40% people below poverty line. I
> > am not against
> > his constructing a good house, but this enormous
> > waste cannot be
> > tolerated. I feel public opinion has to rise against
> > this kind of
> > money-laundering. There is no doubt, that as Marx
> > has said, this is
> > unpaid labour accumulated. If only he had recalled
> > how his father
> > struggled to find a living! With this amount a good
> > bit of housing
> > problem for lakhs of people could be solved. The
> > political parties
> > will not do anything as they get fat donations from
> > the rich business
> > people. Even Marxists will keep their mouth shut
> > although they may
> > vociferously talk against capitalism. Is it not such
> > activities that
> > create a lot of terrorism in the country? Do we as
> > enlightened
> > Indians have responsibility to disuade people from
> > such extravaganza?
> > We know that how some months back Abhishek Buchan€ ¦´s
> > marriage was
> > celebrated with an expense unimaginable.
> > Recently when I was in the U.S. I found a man who
> > works as a male
> > nurse spending his money to help the poor people in
> > India. Already he
> > educated more than 35 poor girls as nurses, built a
> > good many houses
> > for the poor, conducted the marriages of poor girls.
> > He is planning
> > to return to India soon, and bought 3. 5 acres of
> > land of which 2. 75
> > acres he donated to a home for the poor and is
> > keeping 75 cents. He
> > intends to build a house there and serve this home
> > on his return.
> > What a wonderful ideal!
> > Let us remember that Ambani€ ¦´s house can be raized to
> > the ground in a
> > few minutes if natural calamity strikes or a bomb
> > falls on it. How
> > the pride of Americans - the twin towers - was
> > shattered to the
> > ground! That India is having such amassing of riches
> > in the midst of
> > appalling poverty is something we all have to
> > reflect.
> > Dear friends let us make use of our life to fight
> > against such evils
> > in the society, then only our life attains meaning.
> > Let us join hands
> > in this regard.
> > Sorry if I trouble with my reflection.
> > Varghese Manimala
> >
> >
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MARRIAGE DATE FIXED ............... TENSE ???

Posted by: "glassnost"   mush2talk

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:08 pm (PST)




Posted by: "glassnost"   mush2talk

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:08 pm (PST)




Posted by: "glassnost"   mush2talk

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:08 pm (PST)



Dil Se Desi Movie ZONE by Prem - Lyrics - Taare Zameen Par

Posted by: "(¯`·.♥,- Prem -♥,.·´¯)"   planetofprince

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:09 pm (PST)

Bum Bum Bhole

Chaka Raka Chi Chai Cho Chaka Lo Rum
Gando Vando Laka Raka Tum
Akko Takko Iddi Giddi Giddi Go
Iddi Pai Vidi Pai Chiki Chaka Cho

Gili Gili Mal Sulu Sulu Mal
Maka Naka Huku Buku Re
Tuku Buku Re Chaka Laka
Bikko Chikko Sili Sili Sili Go
Bagad Dum Chagad Dum Chiki Chaka Cho

Dekho Dekho Kya Woh Ped Hai
Chadar Ode Ya Khada Koi
Dekho Dekho Kya Woh Ped Hai
Chadar Ode Ya Khada Koi
Baarish Hai Ya Aasmaan Ne
Chod Diye Hai Nal Khule Kahin

Hum Jaise Dekhe Yeh Jahaan Hai Waisa Hi
Jaisi Nazar Apni

Khul Ke Sochein Aao
Pankh Zara Phailaao
Rang Naye Bikhrao
Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo
Naye Khwaab Bun Le

Hey Hey€ ¦'¥.
Sa Pa (Sa Pa) Dha Re (Dha Re) Ga Re (Ga Re)
Ga Ma Pa Sa (Ga Ma Pa Sa )

Bum Bum Bum(Bum Bum Bum)
Bum Bum Bum Bole(Bum Bum Bum Bole)
Hey Bum Chik Bole(Bum Chik Bole)
Arre, Masti Mein Dole(Masti Mein Dole)

Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Dole
Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Tu Dol Re Hey
Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Dole€ ¦'¥.

Bhala Machliya Bhi Kyun Udti Nahin
Aise Bho Socho Na
Socho Sooraj Roz Nahaye Ya
Baal Bhigoke Yeh Budhoo Banaye Hume
Yeh Saare Taare Timtimaye
Ya Phir Gusse Mein Kuch Badbadate Rahein

Khul Ke Sochein Aao€ ¦'¥
Hey Hey Hey€ ¦'¥
Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Dole€ ¦'¥

O Rat Rat Ke Kyon Tanker Full
(Tanker Full Tanker Full)
Aankhein Band To Dabba Gul
(Oye Dabba Gul Dabba Gul)
Oya Band Darwaze
(Khol Re Khol Re Khol Re)
Ho Jaa Bindaas Bol Re
(Bol Bol Bol Bol Re)
Main Bhi Hoon(Main Bhi Hoon)
Tu Bhi Hai(Tu Bhi Hai)

Main Bhi Tu Bhi Hum Sab Mil Ke
Bum Chik Bum Bum Chik Bum Bum Chik€ ¦'¥'²
Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum

Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Dole€ ¦'¥

Aisi Rangon Bhari Apni Duniya Hai Kyun
Socho To Socho Na
Pyar Se Chun Ke In Rangon Ko
Kisi Ne Sajaye Hai Apni Duniya
Upar Wala Kya Hai Apni Duniya
Upar Wala Kya Koi Kalakaar Hai

Khul Ke Sochein Aao€ ¦'¥.
Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo
Chalo Chalo Chalo Chalo Naye Khwaab Bun Le

Bum Bum Bole,Masti Mein Dole€ ¦'¥
Oye Bum Bum Bole

Taare Zameen Par

Main Kabhi Batlata Nahin
Par Andhere Se Darta Hoon Main Maa
Yun To Main,Dikhlata Nahin
Teri Parwaah Karta Hoon Main Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Hain Na Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata,,Meri Maa

Bheed Mein Yun Na Chodo Mujhe
Ghar Laut Ke Bhi Aa Naa Paoon Maa
Bhej Na Itna Door Mujkko Tu
Yaad Bhi Tujhko Aa Naa Paoon Maa
Kya Itna Bura Hoon Main Maa
Kya Itna Bura Meri Maa

Jab Bhi Kabhi Papa Mujhe
Jo Zor Se Jhoola Jhulate Hain Maa
Meri Nazar Dhoondhe Tujhe
Sochu Yahi Tu Aa Ke Thaamegi Maa

Unse Main Yeh Kehta Nahin
Par Main Seham Jaata Hoon Maa
Chehre Pe Aana Deta Nahin
Dil Hi Dil Mein Ghabraata Hoon Maa
Tujhe Sab Hai Pata Hai Naa Maa
Tujhe Sab Hai Pata Meri Maa

Main Kabhi Batlata Nahin
Par Andhere Se Darta Hoon Main Maa
Yun To Main,Dikhlata Nahin
Teri Parwaah Karta Hoon Main Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata, Hain Na Maa
Tujhe Sab Hain Pata,,Meri Maa

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Dil Se Desi GUPSHUP by Prem - Hannsikaa Motwani will perform with Sh

Posted by: "(¯`·.♥,- Prem -♥,.·´¯)"   planetofprince

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:10 pm (PST)

Pakistani fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar, who earlier had turned down a role in Mahesh Bhatt€ ¦'²s film Gangster, has finally changed his mind. Shoaib will be seen playing the lead opposite the Aap Kaa Surroor girl, Hannsikaa in the film. Titled Main Aur Meri Himmat, the film also sees Rajpal Yadav in a significant role. Reportedly, Shoaib has already been signed in for the film and his manager Salman will be coming to India for the final paperwork.

Produced by Nissha S Katyayann, Main Aur Meri Himmat will be a romantic comedy to be directed by Sangamitra Chaudhary. Hansikaa€ ¦'²s mom Mona spoke on the actress€ ¦'² behalf, € ¦'³Hannsikaa is doing the film and she is pretty excited.€ ¦'´

Says an excited Rajpal Yadav, € ¦'³Yes, am glad Shoaib has agreed to do the film. I am yet to finalise the dates. I think they have approached Hannsikaa Motwani to play the lead opposite Shoaib Akhtar. It€ ¦'²s a romantic comedy film. Hope Shoaib enjoys his stint here.€ ¦'´

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Shahrukh Khan threatened by Goons

Posted by: "Roshni Chauhan"   roshni2761

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:11 pm (PST)

Shah Rukh Khan

There is a news that King Khan allegedly recieved repeated calls from
gangsters in which they demanded him a sum of Rs 2 Crore. This made the
actor scared about the security of his family members.

Shah Rukh Khan seems to have lodged a complaint to the city police and its
Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS).

Well Well well.. What prices actores got to pay for having stardom. Having
lots of money is a problem and having no money is also a big problem.

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Tu jaha main wahaa………………….

Posted by: "Maithali Sharma"   maithali79

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:11 pm (PST)

Tu jaha main wahaa€ ¦'¥'¥'¥'¥'¥'¥'¥.

Tu jaha main waha, sang € ¦'¶ sang youn chalu tere jaise tera aasmaa.
Tu jaha main waha, sang € ¦'¶ sang youn chalu tere jaise tera aasmaa.

Jo dhoop nikle chhaya ban jaunga,
Jo ho tu akeli, saaya ban jaunga.
Jo uljhan mein ho maan, main bahlaunga,
Tum aa gaye ho, to jeena aaya hai,
Khushiyon ka tumne ye jaal bichhaya hai,
Khoya hai khud ko yaa sabkuchh paaya hai.
Tu jaha main waha, sang € ¦'¶ sang youn chalu tere jaise tera aasmaa.

Ho gam ke baadal mujhpe tham jaane de,
Bechainiyon ko mujhse takraane de,
Dukhti ho koi baat, mujh par aane de,
Dil sochta tha ke koi apna ho,
Koi raaj naa ho, jo usase rakhna ho,
Aankhe naa kholu main, shaayad sapna ho.
Tu jaha main waha, sang € ¦'¶ sang youn chalu tere jaise tera aasmaa.

Yours Maithali

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Fwd: //Dil Se Desi// !!! ... Narendra Modi - One Man Army ... !!!

Posted by: "pink n"   pin_nair

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:12 pm (PST)

Note: forwarded message attached.


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good MoRnInG

Posted by: "**SAGAR**"   megh_sagar

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:12 pm (PST)

[:)] [:)] [:)] [:)]





today's thoughs

Posted by: "vicky wani"   van222619

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:14 pm (PST)

talent alon cannot make a writer.
there must be a man behind the book.........(india)

beware of rashness, but with energy,
and sleepness vigillance, go forward
and give us victorise ....................(abraham)

.........i love my india.......

Chat on a cool, new interface. No download required. Click here.

Re: //Dil Se Desi// Information about Mukesh Ambani€ ¦´s house!

Posted by: "Jasmine"   crimsonanddark

Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:14 pm (PST)

Ambani should not give all of his money to the poor. He does deserve to be
rich because he earned his money honestly. However, he should do something
for the poor- sponsor some schools, contribute the education of girls and
women, or give to a hospital. Its basic decency.
I do not make as much money as Ambani but I have contributed toward schools
in Andhra Pradesh and in the Punjab, and I volunteer a few hours a week for
a humanitarian organization. In Vancouver this month the Sikhs established
Guru Nanak's Free Kitchen for the Homeless where for one week, they fed
homeless people, as many times as they wanted, who were living on the
streets of Vancouver. The event was a big success and my friends, along
with many others, donated food. We did not give all of our money away to
the poor. However, I think we made a small difference in some people's
lives and showed compassion and mercy. I really hope Indians don't forget
those values.

I know that there are many good Indian people out there; I have seen some at
this wonderful website:


On 12/16/07, RONASTYN <> wrote:
> Mr amit kumar, Gandhi told that word before independence ,, his words
> are not suitable now,, Do you really think that Mr mukesh ambani must give
> away his money to all poor ??
> sir, if you think like that you are really wrong, Nothing must be given
> for free,,,, If you give anything for free then that willnot make any thing
> good,,,,,
> Mukesh give employment sooo many people,, he also give enough salary,,
> I think Ambanis are real business man,,,
> More business man must come up like ambanis and tata,,,,,,,,,, then only
> our country will progress,,,
> donot wast time in this thoughts of house of Mukesh,,, He has full right
> to spend his money,,,
> if you like to give your wealth to poor you shall give that ,, you are
> welcomed,,,
> Ambanis are the one who is taking INDIA to new heights,,, You know this
> they are really making many business man,,,, they are the dream of many
> Youth,,,
> R O N <>A S <>T Y
> N <>
> +919344144124
> ** <>
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: anand sundharajan <>
> To: amit kumar <>
> Cc: Jasmine <>; Desi Dil <
> Sent: Sunday, 16 December, 2007 12:18:32 PM
> Subject: Re: //Dil Se Desi// Information about Mukesh Ambani€ ¦´s house!
> Goodness. Thankfully not all think that way. No one is talking of about
> distributing wealth.
> As gandhi said, "There is enough to satisfy everyone's wants but not
> everyone's greed".
> Thks
> On Dec 16, 2007 2:26 AM, amit kumar <a.amitkumar13@<>>
> wrote:
> > Well his money he builds..... why do you care? we earn in lakhs and
> > try to buld a house ranging 5 to 50 lakhs he is earning in zillions why
> > shouldn't he build 400 crore house? Bhagat singh would have killed people
> > who asked for others hard earned money... read his book lady if u want to
> > know what his thoughts would have been....
> >
> > On Dec 14, 2007 9:47 PM, Jasmine <purejasmine@<>>
> > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Varghese, I think you are completely correct.
> > >
> > > It is one thing to do well and enjoy one's money, it is quite another
> > > to build such an immensely expensive home when right next door people are
> > > dying and have nothing to eat. It is an obscenity. I am very proud of
> > > Varghese for not falling into the cult of money and Bollywood worshippers
> > > that seems to occupy most educated Indians.
> > >
> > > C'mon, people, is building such a monument to excess really admirable
> > > and praiseworthy behaviour? Do you think Bhagat Singh or Chander Bose would
> > > sit in such a house and ignore their fellow Indians? Even the Tatas have
> > > donated millions to charity. I respect them far more. Warren Buffet, who
> > > was one of the richest men in the world, lives in an ordinary house in an
> > > ordinary town and refuses to insulate himself from the world because of his
> > > wealth.
> > >
> > > Hollywood celebrities are always raising money for good causes. Why
> > > can't Indian luminaries do the same thing? It is embarassing how completely
> > > they ignore the downtrodden in their society.
> > >
> > > I'm not saying give all of your money away, I am saying do something
> > > and set a good example. That's what it should be about.
> > >
> > > On 12/14/07, amit kumar <a.amitkumar13@<>>
> > > wrote:
> > >
> > > > Well, Varghese I think I can see u have enough money to browse
> > > > in an internet centre or have a desktop or ur own and internet connection
> > > > too. I would suggest you spend that money to feed the poor than coming and
> > > > wasting it on browsing...
> > > >
> > > > Who are you to tell that mukesh ambani has more money so he should
> > > > share it with poor? It is his hard earned money or his fathers hard earned
> > > > money. Do you mean to say that every guy should start donating his or his
> > > > fathers hard earned money to people who did not get that much success (u
> > > > mean i should work and when i get payed that pay should be shared with 10
> > > > others who did not work or did not work enough to get that much money)...
> > > > Dude you really need to read Ayn Rand's books. just because other people
> > > > were not capable of making more money they donot get right to snatch others
> > > > hard earned money..... when u start snatching others hard earned money that
> > > > is what is called terrorism.. and if u are thinking in styles of robin hood
> > > > then i would say under stand what robin hoodism is then talk.... robin hood
> > > > stole money from lords and gave it to the people who worked for it... Lords
> > > > got that money from taxing people for nothing and putting it in their
> > > > pockets.... ok i hope u understand else God Save u......And it is not that
> > > > you trouble with ur reflection but make nuisance of it..... All you meant
> > > > was Mukesh should earn and feed other people who don't earn that much? I
> > > > really pity when thought like this can even be imagined by people.... It is
> > > > better to put a board and say "I am begging please put alms".... No
> > > > righteous guy would want others hard earned money... if he is righteous
> > > > enough he would be satisfied by his own earnings and only those who are fit
> > > > for nothing ( i.e. fit not to earn enough) go around asking other
> > > > rich people to donate money..... When you were in US you should have asked
> > > > the US government that Africa is lot poorer than you so give your money to
> > > > Africa..... You would have got a more fitting reply.....
> > > >
> > > > PS: All comments as a member of the group......
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Dec 13, 2007 11:30 AM, Archana Pandey < archana3k12000@<>>
> > > > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > This is too much!
> > > > > This man has made money through his work and given employment to
> > > > > so many people.
> > > > > Just because he is doing well , it doesnt mean he has
> > > > > responsibility of poor people on him!!
> > > > >
> > > > > ----- Original Message ----
> > > > > From: varghesemanimala <varghesemanimala@<>
> > > > > >
> > > > > To: dilsedesigroup@ yahoogroups. com<>
> > > > >
> > > > > Sent: Thursday, 13 December, 2007 9:52:53 PM
> > > > > Subject: //Dil Se Desi// Information about Mukesh Ambani€ ¦´s house!
> > > > >
> > > > > Dear friends,
> > > > > Recently I had received a message that Mr. Mukesh Ambani is going
> > > > > to
> > > > > construct a house that costs Rs. 4,000/- crores. It is a 30 floor
> > > > > house in the height of actually 67 floors! This is for just 6
> > > > > people
> > > > > to live in! There will be 400 people to look after. It is with
> > > > > helipad, etc. Well for me this appears to be a crime and it is
> > > > > another form of terrorism - terrorism of money. We must remember
> > > > > that
> > > > > India has more than 40% people below poverty line. I am not
> > > > > against
> > > > > his constructing a good house, but this enormous waste cannot be
> > > > > tolerated. I feel public opinion has to rise against this kind of
> > > > > money-laundering. There is no doubt, that as Marx has said, this
> > > > > is
> > > > > unpaid labour accumulated. If only he had recalled how his father
> > > > > struggled to find a living! With this amount a good bit of housing
> > > > >
> > > > > problem for lakhs of people could be solved. The political parties
> > > > >
> > > > > will not do anything as they get fat donations from the rich
> > > > > business
> > > > > people. Even Marxists will keep their mouth shut although they may
> > > > >
> > > > > vociferously talk against capitalism. Is it not such activities
> > > > > that
> > > > > create a lot of terrorism in the country? Do we as enlightened
> > > > > Indians have responsibility to disuade people from such
> > > > > extravaganza?
> > > > > We know that how some months back Abhishek Buchan€ ¦´s marriage was
> > > > > celebrated with an expense unimaginable.
> > > > > Recently when I was in the U.S. I found a man who works as a male
> > > > > nurse spending his money to help the poor people in India. Already
> > > > > he
> > > > > educated more than 35 poor girls as nurses, built a good many
> > > > > houses
> > > > > for the poor, conducted the marriages of poor girls. He is
> > > > > planning
> > > > > to return to India soon, and bought 3. 5 acres of land of which 2.
> > > > > 75
> > > > > acres he donated to a home for the poor and is keeping 75 cents.
> > > > > He
> > > > > intends to build a house there and serve this home on his return.
> > > > > What a wonderful ideal!
> > > > > Let us remember that Ambani€ ¦´s house can be raized to the ground in
> > > > > a
> > > > > few minutes if natural calamity strikes or a bomb falls on it. How
> > > > >
> > > > > the pride of Americans - the twin towers - was shattered to the
> > > > > ground! That India is having such amassing of riches in the midst
> > > > > of
> > > > > appalling poverty is something we all have to reflect.
> > > > > Dear friends let us make use of our life to fight against such
> > > > > evils
> > > > > in the society, then only our life attains meaning. Let us join
> > > > > hands
> > > > > in this regard.
> > > > > Sorry if I trouble with my reflection.
> > > > > Varghese Manimala
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ------------------------------
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> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > Regards
> > > > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> > > > Amit Kumar
> > > > http://www.freewebs .com/amit_ kumar13
> > > > <>
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> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Regards
> > ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
> > Amit Kumar
> > http://www.freewebs .com/amit_ kumar13
> > <>
> > JOIN ME IN ************ *****ORKUT* ********* *******
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