Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dearly Beloved In Christ,

Dearly Beloved In Christ, Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. I am Mrs. Bevlyn Scott a national of Dublin, Ireland suffering from long time cancer of the breast.From all indications, my condition is serious and is quite obvious that I may not live more than six months, because the cancer stage has gotten to a very severe state and my doctor has told me this. My late husband after a long protracted illness, and during the period of our marriage we had no child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth. As my doctor told me that I may not live for more than six months, I am so scared about this. So, I decided to divide part of the inherited wealth, by contributing to the development of evangelism in the world and to help the less privileged. This mission, which will no doubt be tasking had made me to recently relocate to a church known as "Synaguegue church of all Nations" where I am presently to receive healing. You are amongst the selected few after browsing the Internet for this purpose and I prayed over it. I am willing to donate the sum of $9. 5Million to you for evangelism World and for the less privileged around you. Importantly, this fund is lying with a SECURITY/FINANCE COMPANY IN ASIA. and my family Lawyer will transfer beneficiary title including the necessary documents covering the lodgment to you. I await your urgent reply Or you can contact my Lawyer, Barrister williams, May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the sweet fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and forever more. Yours in Christ. Mrs.Bevlyn Scott.

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