Sunday, January 18, 2009

[RUKHSANA] Successful Indeed are the Believers

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

  -:||:-  Rukhsana Group -:||:- Rukhsana Shairy Forum -:||:-Rukhsana Fm -:||:-

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

Daily Quran & Hadith

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

 Al Quran

1.  Successful indeed are the believers

   2.  Those who offer their salat (prayers)
with all solemnity and full submissiveness.

   3.  And those who turn away from Al-Laghw (dirty,
 false, evil vain talk, falsehood, and
all that Allah has forbidden).

   4.  And those who pay the Zakat.

   5.  And those who guard their chastity
(i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts)

   6.  Except from their wives or (the slaves)
 that their right hands possess, --- for then,
 they are free from blame;

   7.  But whoever seeks beyond that,
 then those are the transgressors;

   8.  Those who are faithfully true to their Amanat
 (all the duties which Allah has ordained,
honesty, moral responsibility and trusts)
 and to their covenants;

   9.  And those who strictly guard their
(five compulsory congregational)
Salawat (prayers)
 (at their fixed stated hours).

  10.  These are indeed the inheritors

  11.  Who shall inherit the Firdaus ( Paradise ).
They shall dwell therein forever."


< Surah: Al-Mu'minun (23); Ayah #s 1~11 >

R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...


Abdullah bin 'Umar (Allah be pleased with him)
narrates that Prophet (peace be upon him)
 took hold of my shoulder and said,

'Be in this world as if you were
a stranger or a traveler."

The sub-narrator added: Ibn 'Umar
(Allah be pleased with him) used to say,

"If you survive till the evening,
do not expect to be alive in the morning,
and if you survive till the morning,
do not expect to be alive in the evening,

and take from your health for your sickness,
and (take) from your life for your death."

< Sahih Al-Bukhari >

Carry The Heart That Never Hates
Carry The Smile That Never Fades
Cary The Touch That Never Hurts
Carry The Friendship That Never Fails.




R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

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R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!... R~U~K~H~S~A~N~A  - we are different from Others !!!...

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