Thursday, January 22, 2009

[Opportunities to earn Cash] Digest Number 7591

Opportunities  to earn Cash - No cash investment nothing to buy.Just earn CASH

Messages In This Digest (12 Messages)



Liberty Wealth Club: Tell Your Creditors To Go Away!

Posted by: "Gary Foxcroft"

Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:47 am

Beating The Credit Crunch

Dear Reader,

How are you today and thank you for even considering reading
this email, I will keep it short.

This is no Biz-Op or MLM but an opportunity for you to gain
privileged financial knowledge and information seldomly seen
or used but applicable in every country around the world.

If you require loans or a credit card(s) to get you through the month,
this is nothing to be ashamed of.
After a simple love life change, my balanced financial card house
collapsed. My outgoings were higher than my earnings.
Disaster lay ahead. Possible Bankruptcy.

Then I was introduced to life changing information and knowledge,
that is out there, but not widespread known yet. Some people refuse
to accept or understand it, though it is all documented and the truth
for those that wish to confirm and do their due diligence.

We need the truth of financial education and Liberty Wealth Club will
provide you with the solution. Dont use up your last liquid cash
or credit, invest it! In yourself and your future and knowledge.

This can be you, the sooner you take action the better. This is
your life, take control and ask the banks to prove their claims with
our knowledge and know-how, they will fail as they have for accounts
of hundreds of Liberty Wealth Club members before you.

Some of us are taking legal steps to reclaim our payments made.
Some of us are challenging even our Mortgages and some of us are
earning thousands of pounds per month by being generous people and
sharing our knowledge with others. Like I am doing now.

Only the truth will set you free. Liberty Wealth Club.
More Truth, More Freedom, More Money.

Please join my Newsletter and gain full disclosure here:

Call or email me on how to easily join and start your Credit Crunch
remedy before the weekend. My contact details are on the above website.
I am here to help, not to sell.

Ask me questions, please take action now, before it may be too late
for us to help you or and your loved ones.


Gary-Stuart: Foxcroft

Liberty Wealth Club
Key Seminar 1 Mentor

UK 44 (0) 161 408 3373
UK 44 (0) 7881 885818
USA 310 929-7307

Skype: garyuk73

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
- Gandhi

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error, please notify us as soon as possible and delete the message
from your system.


Great Earnings Here!

Posted by: "Diane Cleak"   duduu7

Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:52 am


This is a real advertising company, with a long-term future. Enormous planning has gone into this business to set it up safely for the future.

Premium Ads Club is getting itself legally set up as an IBC in an off-shore location in the next few weeks' to ensure that our assets are protected.

Premium Ads Club pays you 9% a day for 15 days at a time! That is a whopping 135% per 15 days.

The Admin are two ladies who are well-known and trusted from the forums over the last five years. They offer excellent and timely support, and are very responsive to members.

They always pay quickly.

This is a great, reliable opportunity.

Please take the time to check out the site here:-

The have a FAQ section for your further information.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me at:-

and I will get back to you.

All best wishes,



you can earn 1 doller-46 rupees referring people free and 20% of the

Posted by: ""

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:12 am

Reminder from: opportunitiestoearncash Yahoo! Group

you can earn 1 doller-46 rupees referring people free and 20% of their income so
Thursday 22 January 2009
3:00 - 4:00
(This event repeats every day.)

Earn Money Online! No Registration Fees. Guaranteed Payments

Search Profiles - FREE! Intimate Dating. Start Chatting within seconds -

Download Weather Toolbar - Instant weather reports, forecasts, and radar images anytime for FREE! -

Call any phone anywhere Free! -

Unlimited iPod Music, Movies, TV Shows Downloads. No Monthly or Per Downloads Fees! -

Webmasters - Earn Money from your Website. Get Paid Dail

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INSTANT CASH! The best incentive to open an email

Posted by: "Jeannette Leduc"   maje255

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:15 am

Would the possibility of receiving $3 to $20
Instant CASH or send credits make you open
an email?

Dont you think that would make many others
open your emails too?

ListQUIK is the Internets Newest and destined to
be the Internets LARGEST and most responsive
list and list builder.

Effective January 5, 2009, when ListQUIK officially
Launches, you will find CASH Winnings ($3 to $20,
more as the list grows…) or Send Credits by
clicking on links in emails.

ListQUIK provides you with a Lifetime List to
CONTACT EMAILS of new random members you
can mail to every 5 days. (You will only receive
5-6 per day.)

It will be the MOST responsive list ever!

Join for Fre.e and instantly have a list of 100
random members to mail to at their contact
email address, once every five days.

These are last 2 days to save $30 at ListQUIK.

Join for fre.e right now and upgrade NOW to
save $30 then tell all your contacts before they
join with someone else.

....What does ListQUIK offer Pro (Paid) Members:

- mail, once every five days to 1,000 random

- be placed in the ListQUIK Six Million Dollar 2x20
personally forced compensation plan.

- Pro Membership is $129. During the ListQUIK
Beta Launch, the price is Only $99 until January
4th, 2009!

- Pro Membership is a One Time, Lifetime
Membership Fee!

- mail to more by building a larger list - if the total
of your free direct referrals and your 2x20 Six
Million Dollar Matrix downline is larger than 1,000,
you will mail to that number of random members
once every five days (plus Send Credits from
reading emails).

- choose ProPlus Membership which allows you to
mail to 1,250 random members once every five
days (plus Send Credits from reading emails).

- ProPlus Membership is a One Time Lifetime Fee of
$29.95 (must be a Pro Member to purchase ProPlus

- mail to the ENTIRE membership by purchasing the
one Solo Ad per day - available on January 5, 2009

- starting January 5, 2009, you will earn random
Send Credits or CASH by clicking on a link in
the emails that you receive.

- guaranteed to receive either CASH or Send Credits
by clicking the link and viewing the website for the
entire required time

- minimum cash winnings will be $3 to $20 to start
and will rise to $50 or more as the list grows

- earn $15 for a direct referral who upgrades to a Pro
Membership (rises to $20 on January 5th with full

- Free Member earns $15 for a directly referred Pro
Member (rises to $20 on January 5th with full

Commissions in the Six Million Dollar 2x20 Matrix

Level 2: $18; ($22.50 starting January 5th)
Level 3-5: $1;
Levels 6-15: $2;
Levels 16-20: $3.

The commission structure was set up to provide an
easy break even for our Pro Members. By making
two direct referral sales ($15 x 2 = $30) and filling
your second level ($18 x 4 = $72) you will earn back
more than your purchase price of $99 (Beta Launch
Price). Both the direct referral commission and second
level commissions will rise Janurary 5th so you still
break even with 2 upgraded referrals and a full 2nd

Finally build yourself a large responsive list!


Jeannette Leduc
Skype: majele5

Get some of the most effective advertising available
(.5% to 1% CTR for banners and text ads!) at
Revenue Magic where the advertising per dollar has



Posted by: "F.REE BUCKS"   cardinalgold7

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:32 am


Just get in line, and GET PAID!

Earn $495 per week, or $1,980 per month! Zero recruiting necessary!!

Commissions are paid every Friday via a F*REE Global Debit MasterCard.

Join or Take A F*REE Tour here :

Fast Start Bonuses and Residual Income ...

Fully automated marketing system ... Lead Capture Pages ...

This just launched minutes ago! Go and take a spot NOW before every

marketer get in and start their massive marketing campaigns.

This is a company forced recycle matrix!

No sponsoring requirements and more if you can build.

Join Below For PASSIVE PROSPERITY In 2009!

- PassiveProsperity Team -


This is NOT SPAM. We belong to the same opt-in Yahoo!Group.

To be removed see instructions below.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Receive Thousands Per Month From Home!

Posted by: "Tim Briggs"   gijon792

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:38 am

You have landed on something that stopped me in my tracks when I found it. After I'd listened to the short video and read more…it just made complete sense.
Fellow Entrepreneur,
Neither you nor I have the inclination or time to read anything long and/or boring!
So, outlined below are the fail safe features and benefits of our unique system to create wealth…and I do mean wealth.
This formula is the key to prosperity, if you do not take, it is your loss.
We have a fail safe strategy to make this become not one, but two –figure incomes from one website.
We start with to sow the 'seed' money for the second program… This program, an exclusive investment forum, increases your money by 2.6 times every 60 days…Yes, you read that correctly – 2.6 times in just 60 days! (Just depositing $100 will make $31,000 in a year!).

If you join at all three levels ($3500) before this limited offer ends, I will do the following FOR YOU:
• I will invite you into my exclusive investment forum that will return you 2.6 times your money every 60 days!

• I will even start it for you and put some of MY money towards it!

• This strategy WILL assure you that even if you decide not to work the gifting program, you will end up way-ahead financially.

• You WILL make $27,500 worst case scenario, but you will make much, much more and I have tons of proof.

• Listen now, nothing on the Internet can compare with what I am doing for people around the world.

• This simply is a fail safe plan for your prosperity when you join this activity. Others may have this same activity, but not the backing of an investment that WILL make you wealthy all on its own!

• Then I will plug you into the best lead system on the market today especially designed for this activity.

• My strategy is in strict confidence, and is by invitation only. This WILL make THOUSANDS of dollars be sent right to YOUR door!

• I simply cannot put a price on what this will mean to you. This offer can be worth millions and more in gifts and investment money to you!
Believe me, these two very simple wealth strategies are the best laid out plan for your financial future. You can come with me if you like. I enjoy making people wealthy.

Success is not counted by how high youve climbed,
but by how many people you brought with you.

Again, life is too short. Let's start enjoying it. I wouldnt even think of you joining without talking to me first anyway! Weird concept in this internet world, huh!
Call me with questions.
To YOUR prosperity,

Tim Briggs
54 387 4217638
Skype: tim792¬/TimBriggs
Alsina 792, Salta, AR, A4400CHN


Learn the Solution!

Posted by: "Kirk Scheib"   ksgm2

Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:42 am

Are you an active promoter?
Are you having troubles getting
your own referrals to be just
like you?

Scenario 1:
Youre in a program where you only
need to refer 2. Then at the 9th level,
youll earn $200,000 per month.

95% of your downlines are not moving at all.
Youre only managed to refer up to maybe
the 3rd or 4th level with your own and a
couple active promoters effort.

Scenario 2:
Youre in a program where you do not
need to refer. The program itself will do
all the referring for you.

95% of the programs downline are
not moving at all. The program itself
may manage to refer up to 4th ~ 6th level
with their effort then they will crash.
These programs are often perceived as scams
because they failed to deliver their promises.


The only way to truly earn money online
is never about what kind of system youre
in. It is always about getting those 95% of
people to refer for you.

Since youre not making millions of dollars
yet, that means while it is easy for some
people to promote, it is extremely hard for

In orders to understand what methods best
suit you, and what kind of support best suit
your referrals to maximize the promoting
efforts, it is important to identify which
type of marketers are you and your referrals.

To find out about the 4 different types of
marketers and the different ways to motivate
them to give their best performance and truly
help YOU build you team, please click on the
link below:

So look no further. Let us show you how
to become successful. It's easy! Give us
14 days and you'll be amazed!

"I will personally help you with my upline!!!"

I look forward to helping you…
Kirk Scheib



Posted by: "NIKHIL BHATT"   investmentpoint808

Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:15 am

CELL : +91 99 793 80808

Download prohibited? No problem. CHAT from any browser, without download. Go to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Make Easy $$$$$$$$

Posted by: "puja jain"   luvpujajain

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:03 am

Market research companies will pay you
$10 to $300 per hour for answering simple online surveys and participating in
online focus groups. All from the comfort of your own home. Why are they
willing to pay so handsomely for your time? They desperately need the honest
opinions of ordinary consumers to help them figure out which new products are
likely to succeed. It's really just that simple! It's fun, you'll make a
difference and you'll get paid. Start Now!

we sends mails to yahoo groups Only.

Free Phone Calls       Earn Easy $$$$$

 Windows Vista Wallpapers      Girls Gallery

Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Get PAID a Solid Future Income (SFI) by joining Yahoo Groups", 22/1/

Posted by: ""

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:40 am

Reminder from: opportunitiestoearncash Yahoo! Group

Get PAID a Solid Future Income (SFI) by joining Yahoo Groups"
Thursday 22 January 2009
6:30 - 7:30
(This event repeats every day.)

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Yahoo Web Services India Pvt Ltd.

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Still L@@King for a Solid Future Income - We want to invest our mone

Posted by: ""

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:40 am

Reminder from: opportunitiestoearncash Yahoo! Group

Still L@@King for a Solid Future Income - We want to invest our money in your SF
Thursday 22 January 2009
6:30 - 7:30
(This event repeats every day.)

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Copyright © 2009
Yahoo Web Services India Pvt Ltd.

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Hot Candid Pics of Sridevi Showing her Cleavage

Posted by: "cuteanisha"   anitha5285

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:42 am

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